Bringing the Fantasy to Classrooms


Hi everybody! It's 2024 and I hope you're reading and writing this year. I'm excited to be returning to real-life in-person visits to elementary school classrooms to talk about the fun of creative writing and how YOU can be a published author, too! Zoom calls are fun, but there's nothing so special as meeting young readers and writers face to face.

My most recent novel for young readers - THE GIRL WHO BUILT A SPIDER - is available now. It's a story about three young scientists who are each given their own dream laboratories to invent whatever they think will better the world. I've been talking to some really smart students about inventing as well as writing, which are both about making your imagination become reality.

I live in South Carolina. If you do, too, you know how lucky you are! I'm happy to come talk to South Carolinian students FOR FREE. I like visiting the other 49 states as well, but I require travel reimbursement for these author visits. Of course, Zoom calls to any classroom anywhere are also FREE. If you're interested in having me speak to your students about writing and publishing (and inventing!), please email me at [email protected].

Thank you for visiting, and a big thank you to teachers and media specialists for supporting authors!
